Between 2016 and 2022, lithium-ion battery packs more than halved in price, down to $151 per kilowatt hour [1]. 68 gas plant projects have been cancelled, or paused, as giant batteries that can ensure stable power supply and protect against wind and solar variability become cheaper [2].
battery price chart
  • The economics of those gas-fired plants used primarily to compensate for the intermittance of renewables are changing as back up battery power becomes competitive. Financing is harder to get for new gas-fired plant because of uncertainty over revenues as they no longer need to run continuously.


[1] 'Top 10 Energy Storage Trends in 2023' (Accessed on 22nd November, 2023) https://about.bnef.com/blog/top-10-energy-storage-trends-in- . . .
[2] 'Giant batteries drain economics of gas power plants' (Accessed on 22nd November, 2023) https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/giant-batteries-drai . . .